Scoping review identifies factors associated with the onset of infant acute lymphoblastic leukaemia January 31, 2025 Scoping review identifies factors associated with the onset of infant acute lymphoblastic leukaemia
Revealed a mechanism of beta-cells involved in the development of type-1 diabetes November 06, 2019 Revealed a mechanism of beta-cells involved in the development of type-1 diabetes
Leading research in leukaemia and lymphoma meets in IJC September 20, 2019 Leading research in leukaemia and lymphoma meets in IJC
Discovered the potential of a group of antihistamines that cause the death of leukaemic stem cells September 06, 2019 Discovered the potential of a group of antihistamines that cause the death of leukaemic stem cells
Discovered a molecule that regulates the development of cancer in a variety of human tumors September 05, 2019 Discovered a molecule that regulates the development of cancer in a variety of human tumors
Jordi Petriz elected Scientist Innovator by Thermo Fisher Scientific August 28, 2019 Jordi Petriz elected Scientist Innovator by Thermo Fisher Scientific
Prize for the best oral presentation at the XVI SIC Conference June 04, 2019 Prize for the best oral presentation at the XVI SIC Conference
World experts on splenic lymphoma meet at the IJC May 17, 2019 World experts on splenic lymphoma meet at the IJC
Biola Javierre awarded a prestigious International Rising Talent prize by L’Oreal-UNESCO April 02, 2019 Biola Javierre awarded a prestigious International Rising Talent prize by L’Oreal-UNESCO
The Institute welcomes students from all over Europe for a bioinformatics course March 20, 2019 The Institute welcomes students from all over Europe for a bioinformatics course
The Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia Research Group identifies microRNA signatures in cells that could give rise to leukemia with the idea to use it to target therapies March 18, 2019 The Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia Research Group identifies microRNA signatures in cells that could give rise to leukemia with the idea to use it to target therapies