The Josep Carreras Institute adds ITEMAS ISCIII and Regic to its alliances
The Medical Technology Innovation Platform of the Carlos III Health Institute, ITEMAS ISCIII, and the Network of Management Entities for Hospital and Biosanitary Clinical Research, Regic, join as alliances of the Josep Carreras Institute.
Partnerships are crucial to achieving a system of biomedical and health research excellence through the mutual support of its main actors. This mutual support can result in higher quality and better services, by supporting common objectives ranging from gender equality in management positions in research centers to continuous training, knowledge transfer, resource exploitation, and joint project undertaking, among others.
With the partnsership between the Josep Carreras Institute with the Medical Technology Innovation Platform of the Carlos III Health Institute (ITEMAS ISCIII) and the Network of Management Entities for Clinical Hospital and Biosanitary Research (Regic), there are now five alliances with consortiums or groups to jointly promote research in collaboration with other research centers and entities.
Our alliances also include AQuasCat, the Catalan Agency for Healthcare Quality, the Bioinformatics Barcelona Association, BIB, and SciTech DiploHub, the Center for Scientific and Technological Diplomacy.
Also, the Institute has Stakeholders, Friends, and collaborating companies. On the other hand, the research groups of the Josep Carreras Institute count on more than 150 collaborators all over the world. It is teamwork that will make us better and advance research towards a common good, as necessary as the one currently being witnessed with the COVID19 crisis where alliances between research and health management are vital.