
World experts on splenic lymphoma meet at the IJC

Today and tomorrow, the Josep Carreras Leukaemia Research Institute plays host to leading international medical and research experts for the 2019 meeting of the International Splenic Lymphoma Study Group.

The International Splenic Lymphoma Study Group (ISLSG) group meets every 18 months to continue their work on guiding the group’s activities and This year the meeting is in the Josep Carreras Building on the ICO-HUGT Campus.,

Dr Solé explains that the work of the ISLSG is vital to coordinate and empower the research effort needed to improve healthcare for patients with splenic lymphoma. It is a mixed group containing pathologists, doctors and molecular biologists, amongst others, who work together to foster collaborations and write international guidelines for diagnosis and treatment. “They also coordinate the collection, documentation and use of samples from all over the world,” he adds, “With rare diseases such as splenic lymphoma, international collections of samples are essential for meaningful advances in research, not only in quantity, but for questions of international standards and diversity of subjects.”

Dr Francesc Solé and Dra. Maria Joao Baptista from IJC and Dra. Estella Matutes from the Hospital Clinic, Barcelona are co-organizing this year’s meeting. The members of the working group have travelled from different locations such as France, Switzerland, Greece, Italy, and the UK amongst others. ‘It is a great privilege to be part of this committed group,’ Maria Joao Baptista tells us, “we are delighted to be able to act as hosts to such a prestigious team and to be able to show our colleagues all the facilities we have on our campus.
