
Molecular International Prognostic Scoring System for Myelodysplastic Syndromes

Bernard E, Tuechler H, Greenberg PL, Hasserjian RP, Arango Ossa JE, Nannya Y, Devlin SM, Creignou M, Pinel P, Monnier L, Gundem G, Medina-Martinez JS, Domenico D, Jädersten M, Germing U, Sanz G, van de Loosdrecht AA, Kosmider O, Follo MY, Thol F, Zamora L, Pinheiro RF, Pellagatti A, Elias HK, Haase D, Ganster C, Ades L, Tobiasson M, Palomo L, Della Porta MG, Takaori-Kondo A, Ishikawa T, Chiba S, Kasahara S, Miyazaki Y, Viale A, Huberman K, Fenaux P, Belickova M, Savona MR, Klimek VM, Santos FPS, Boultwood J, Kotsianidis I, Santini V, Solé F, Platzbecker U, Heuser M, Valent P, Ohyashiki K, Finelli C, Voso MT, Shih LY, Fontenay M, Jansen JH, Cervera J, Gattermann N, Ebert BL, Bejar R, Malcovati L, Cazzola M, Ogawa S, Hellström-Lindberg E, Papaemmanuil E.


MDS Molecular International Prognostic Scoring SystemSamples from over 2500 patients with MDS were profiled for gene mutations and used to develop the International Prognostic Scoring System-Molecular (IPSS-M). TP53multihit, FLT3 mutations, and MLLPTD were identified as top genetic predictors of adverse outcomes. IPSS-M improves prognostic discrimination across all clinical end points versus prior versions.

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