Gastric metaplasia as precursor of nonconventional dysplasia in inflammatory bowel disease
Musulen E, Gené M, Cuatrecasas M, Amat I, Veiga JA, Fernández-Aceñero MJ, Chimisana VF, Tarragona J, Jurado I, Fernández-Victoria R, Martínez-Ciarpaglini C, Alenda González C, Zac C, Fernández-Figueras MT, Esteller M.
Hum Pathol
Gastric metaplasia in colonic mucosa with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) develops as an adaptation mechanism. The association between gastric metaplasia and nonconventional and/or conventional dysplasia as precursors of colitis-associated colorectal cancer is unknown. To address this question, we retrospectively reviewed a series of 33 IBD colectomies to identify gastric metaplasia in 76 precursor lesions. We obtained 61 nonconventional and 15 conventional dysplasias. Among nonconventional dysplasia, 31 (50.8 %) were low-grade (LGD), 4 (6.5 %) were high-grade (HGD), 9 (14.8 %) had both LGD and HGD, and 17 (27.9 %) had no dysplasia (ND), while 14 (93 %) conventional dysplasias had LGD, and 1 (7 %) had LGD and HGD. Gastric metaplasia was assessed by concomitant immunoexpression of MUC5AC and loss of CDX2 staining. Expression of a p53-mut pattern was considered as a surrogate for gene mutation, and complete loss of MLH1 staining as presence of MLH1 hypermethylation. In nonconventional dysplasia, MUC5AC immunoexpression decreased as the degree of dysplasia increased, being 78 % in LGD and 39 % in HGD (p = 0.006). CDX2 was lost in epithelial glands with high expression of MUC5AC (p < 0.001). The p53-mut pattern was observed in 77 % HGD, 45 % LGD, and in 6 % with ND (p < 0.001). Neither nonconventional nor conventional dysplasia showed complete loss of MLH1 staining. Gastric metaplasia was also present in mucosa adjacent to nonconventional dysplasia with chronic changes or active
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