
Biomarkers found in the tumor interstitial fluid may help explain the differential behavior among keratinocyte carcinomas

Matas-Nadal C, Bech-Serra JJ, Gatius S, Gomez X, Ribes-Santolaria M, Guasch-Vallés M, Pedraza N, Casanova JM, De la Torre Gómez C, Garí E, Aguayo-Ortiz RS.

Mol Cell Proteomics

Basal cell carcinomas (BCCs) and cutaneous squamous cell carcinomas (SCCs) are the most frequent types of cancer, and both originate from the keratinocyte trans-formation, giving rise to the group of tumors called kera-tinocyte carcinomas (KCs). The invasive behavior is different in each group of KC and may be influenced by their tumor microenvironment. The principal aim of the study is to characterize the protein profile of the tumor interstitial fluid (TIF) of KC to evaluate changes in the microenvironment that could be associated with their different invasive and metastatic capabilities. We obtained TIF from 27 skin biopsies and conducted a label-free quantitative proteomic analysis comparing seven BCCs, 16 SCCs, and four normal skins. A total of 2945 proteins were identified, 511 of them quantified in more than half of the samples of each tumoral type. The proteomic analysis revealed differentially expressed TIF proteins that could explain the different metastatic behavior in both KCs. In detail, the SCC samples disclosed an enrichment of pro-teins related to cytoskeleton, such as Stratafin and Ladinin-1. Previous studies found their upregulation posi-tively correlated with tumor progression. Furthermore, the TIF of SCC samples was enriched with the cytokines S100A8/S100A9. These cytokines influence the metastatic output in other tumors through the activation of NF-kB signaling. According to this, we observed a significant increase in nuclear NF-kB subunit p65 in SCCs but not in BCCs. In addition, the TIF of both tumors was enriched with proteins involved in the immune response, high-lighting the relevance of this process in the composition of the tumor environment. Thus, the comparison of the TIF composition of both KCs provides the discovery of a new set of differential biomarkers. Among them, secreted cytokines such as S100A9 may help explain the higher aggressiveness of SCCs, while Cornulin is a specific biomarker for BCCs. Finally, the proteomic landscape of TIF provides key information on tumor growth and metastasis, which can contribute to the identification of clinically applicable biomarkers that may be used in the diagnosis of KC, as well as therapeutic targets.

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