Graduated in Biochemistry (2003) and Chemistry (2004) at the University of Valencia. For her PhD, she joined the laboratory of Prof. Enrique Pérez-Payá at Centro de Investigación Príncipe Felipe (Valencia, Spain) where she helped developing new chemical inhibitors of the proapoptotic protein Apaf-1 for unwanted cell death treatments (patents licenced to Salvat Laboratories). She performed her first postdoctorate in the laboratory of Prof. Martínez-Máñez at CIBER-BBN/Polytechnical University of Valencia (2009) where she designed and validated new silica-based nanoparticles for senescent cells detection (Agostini, Mondragón, et al., Angewandte Chemie, 2012; WO2014037596A1) and drug delivery purposes in anticancer treatments. Then, she moved to the laboratory of Dr. Ricci Centre Méditerranéen de Médecine Moléculaire (Nice, France, 2012) where she characterized a transgenic GAPDH mouse as preclinical model for the study of AITL and helped developing a novel therapy for its treatment based on the combination anti-PD-1 and NIK inhibitors (Mondragón et al., Cancer Cell, 2019). For her third postdoctorate at the laboratory of Prof. Kroemer at Centre de Recherche des Cordeliers (Paris, France, 2016), she participated in the determination of the role of gut bacteria composition in the outcome of immunotherapy against epithelial tumors (Bertrand et al., Science, 2018) and the role of AIF in oxidative phosphorilation leading to lung cancer development (Rao, Mondragón et al., Cell Research, 2019). In her last postdoctorate, she joined the group of Prof. Puntes at Vall d’Hebron Research Institute and Catalan Institute of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology (Barcelona, Spain, 2018) to develop biodistribution and toxicological studies of metal nanoparticles in mice models. Since April 2021, she is Ramón y Cajal junior group leader at Josep Carreras Leukaemia Research Institute.