
HHV8 and EBV-negative primary effusion-based lymphoma: A case report of a new provisional entity and review of literature

Canelo-Vilaseca M, Tapia G, Orna E, Sorigué M, Granada I, Palomar-Muñoz A, Castillo A, Grau J, Mesa A, Ribera JM, Sancho JM, Navarro JT.

Clin Case Rep

Key Clinical MessageHHV8- and EBV-negative primary effusion lymphoma is an extremely rare neoplasm involving body cavities without detectable tumor mass. It usually presents in elderly patients without known immunodeficiency. Compared to primary effusion lymphoma, it has a better prognosis. Primary effusion lymphoma (PEL) is a rare non-Hodgkin lymphoma confined exclusively to body cavities without detectable tumor masses. The term PEL-like is an entity similar to PEL in clinical presentation but without relation to human herpesvirus 8 (HHV8). We report a case of HHV8- and EBV-negative primary effusion-based lymphoma.

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