Tinostamustine (EDO-S101), an Alkylating Deacetylase Inhibitor, Enhances the Efficacy of Daratumumab in Multiple Myeloma by Upregulation of CD38 and NKG2D Ligands Int J Mol Sci
Ponalfil trial for adults with Philadelphia chromosome-positive acute lymphoblastic leukemia: Long-term results Hemasphere
Blood DNA Methylation Analysis Reveals a Distinctive Epigenetic Signature of Vasospasm in Aneurysmal Subarachnoid Hemorrhage Transl Stroke Res
The genomic profiling of high-risk smoldering myeloma patients treated with an intensive strategy unveils potential markers of resistance and progression Blood Cancer J
3Dmapper: a command line tool for BioBank-scale mapping of variants to protein structures Bioinformatics
Chronic corticosterone exposure in rats induces sex-specific alterations in hypothalamic reelin fragments, MeCP2, and DNMT3a protein levels Neurosci Lett